Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Cryptic words And the Kid!!

My object of writing this "piece" is naturally not to counter some of the (healthy?) criticism of the readers of my writings. I was led to write it because in my endeavour to make clear of the essence of volitions (of my earlier writings), I found myself constantly reminded by my fellow brethrens that i am using a lot of cryptic words on purpose. In fact they went on to accuse me that I am using this as tool to attract the female homosapiens at large. So rightly or wrongly, I try to fix this critism beforehand. That the usage of words(cryptic or not) varies person to person, region to region, even gender to gender, to some extent, you must agree to that. But you should also note the fact that in my case this variation is on the whole consistent with a central theme. It's the human psychic to employ such words to create an impression on the readers mind, and this is not unusual. Else why would we be reminded, by any and everyone, of reading editorials to improve our working language from 6th grade. Besides cryptic words lend a touch of subtlity which is important to keep the human mind engaged in the writing or else it would start multitasking. And that no writer would allow to happen.

Now that I have put my points, let me write something on the lighter note, on my personal front. This drama is "About a Kid- 'bachha' ". Okay, So how many of you did watch "Dhoom"? How was it? Well I thought it to be a pretty entertaining movie (You know the meaning of entertaining ..right?). So obviously I didnt want to left odd one out. But finding out that almost everyone has already turned to the dark side, I finally turn to my last hope- The Kid. So dialogue goes something like this:

(You need to read calvin and hobbes for visualization.)

Scene one begins
Setting: A room in an apartment in G.K.

Me: So kid wanna watch Dhoom? I promise ya, You wont be doomed in this bollywood flick
(Remeber "Kyun fati na!! oops sorry Kyun Ho gaya na!!")

Bachha :Horrified my suggestion looks up with an expression of calvin seeming to convey me.
Dude, There are Dead people in there!!

Me with a Hobbish face : Yeah right!! like they are real dead people.
aloud- commo'n it cant be that bad!!

Kid: Forget it!! And curtains fall end of Part one!!

Scene-2 begins

Setting : Me just back from office. Chacha discharging his manegerial duties on the cook.
Kid OOgling out on some explicit content of some Z- grade hollywood flick on my

Kid: Say Duck , Me going for Dhoom this weekend, wanna tag along!!

Me: aghast on hearing this,can not believe my ears, totally unsettled on this sudden
change of heart on THE Kid's part.
I give him again the hobbish face with an expression sayin : But you thought there
are dead people in the movie. Aloud : Hmmmm, u sure abt that.

Kid: With a gay and happy face: You Kidding me its such a cool movie. And the expression
saying : "Dude!! There aint any dead people in there.. but some naked chicks"

Me : I'll think about it!!

I fade away in the darkness thinking "Is it about a chick!!" Andy holmes starts his clandestine search of get to the real reason for this change of heart. And he finds the garrulous act commited on the kids part

And the Curtains fall end of scene two

Proposed Scene Three begins!!

Setting: location- Saturday night in an apartment hall in the suburbs of delhi(gurgaon for
the less informed junta) dim lights. Kid in the convicts box. jury members
sitting in a semi circle with a lupine face. Kids attorny Dalls puffing away
under stress. Attorny from the prosecutors side "The Good 'ol daddu",with a record
success in interoggation of such shameless convicts, with a confident close up
smile chatting with his battery of intern lawyers notable among them chibbu.
Me on the witness stand.

So my friends the drama ends here. I would like you to use your wildest imagination and finish this part three and pass on the judgement, as the jury is often swyaed by the ongoing public opinion in the trials.

hope you liked it!!



Blogger Kunal Jain said...

kewl stuff Andy!!!

I suspect this trial never ever happened!!

Kid so scared of multi-tasking would never get involved with a gal at one end and YOU at the other...

High hopes and high expectations (from kid.. the best guess is -might beone of his moms ;-))

12:13 AM  

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