Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Reading people is one of my pass times i relish doing. It gives me an opportunity to know them more closely.
What turns me off is the phonies all around you. People whom you think to be genuine and then discover they are not. I have made really good friends in my life and have met enough people to judge on the phony Index. There are people on all the levels.
There are people very distant from your life, something like a public figure who might touch your life a wee bit ala Arjun Singh or may be a phony crap like Arindam Chaudhary. I do not really care for this category.
Then there would be people closer to you who are phonies like people in your distant relation or in your college, your classmates. Mind you classmates and not friends. They might be your group mate and working with them might be difficult. I would get annoyed by them. But still they would not hurt me.
Then there are people whom you consider friend who might turn out to be phony as well. These friends would be someone who go out with share some part of your life but not everything. Their phoniness would hurt me a bit, rather it would pinch me. I would get over it very easily as these are not someone whom you had thought to be friends forever.
Then people who are even closer, your close cousin or your close friends with whom you share almost everything about your life though not everything. What do you do when you find out you can find phonies there as well? I would get hurt and would shut myself from such friends. But still I easily deal with it.
But the people who top the list of phonies would be people life your own sibling, your girlfriend or boyfriend or your closest friends whom you trust with your life, and turning out to be phonies. This would really break me apart. I always dread this breach in my life. I dont want someone to get so close to me and yet turning out to be a phony. Probably I am too trusting to see between the lines. Or may be I do not trust everyone very easily. But if once I do, I do it with my life. I would really hate someone if he/she ever comes close to me but only does a lip service. I am really thankfull, that I have few of the best people around me.
Another set of phonies I would not like is someone who'll get u to 8446 mts on the everest only to use you as his step for going up to 8448 mts and give u the dreaded shove. I would rather like to go only till 6000mts with the person honestly, than getting the shove at 8446. I have this fear that there are people in my life who belong to this category and I want to put it right before getting the shove.
But in the end life has to go on and so I dont care much about phonies- any category. Only may be the recovery time is different. :)


Blogger ishan said...

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11:37 AM  
Blogger ishan said...

mount everest ki height around 8848 hai 8448 nahi :)

but interesting writing...,

11:38 AM  
Blogger Bird said...

Nice stuff Andy.. keep going.. long way to go from 6000 to 8448 or 8848...

6:43 AM  

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